Category Archives: Self-Care

Vows for Jax, and Welcome, James

Oh, Joy! Jaime, another #ppdchat friend (she tweets as @jamesandjax) is visiting us today.  Jaime  about her journey through ppd and anxiety while balancing work and home. I’ve been writing and talking about my disarming anxiety process lately (, ), and Jaime and I twitted back and forth about it, and voila, now she is here. Got…

Of Course I am Anxious (part 2) + Wound-Licking Time Out

So, where were we?  we talked about how to get ourselves off the hook and begin to stop feeling guilty for being anxious. And about disarming anxiety rather than fighting it.  And how this is scary, and very empowering. It was sort of a what’s-in-it-for-you kind of post. This one here is more of a…

Of course I am anxious. How about you? (Part 1)

This post is about disarming anxiety with . About meeting yourself where you are, and not making your going be any tougher than it has to be. It’s about how to bring Ease to What Is when what is hurts. This post is dedicated to my #ppdchat friends: Jamie, (@jamesandjax on twitter, she blogs at…

Hope in an Envelope: Rach’s Rainy Day Letter

My lovely #PPDchat friend Rach ( on Twitter) was moved by this post on the . I challenged her to actually sid down and write herself one of those letters,  to have on hand when the next setback happened. Below is Rachana’s letter to herself in all its glory. I hope you will be inspired…

Simpicity Parenting

Have you heard of the book Simplicity Parenting? I love the book, and the concept has turned into a movement, with people all around the world consciously simplifying their environments and schedules, and the results are happier families. I went to a workshop with the author Kim John Payne a couple of weeks ago. I learned so…


In this safe space, I hope you feel comfortable talking and reading about the body’s betrayals This help me with my homework also boils down to the topic you chose. inconveniences. I invite you to whine about PMS, rant about stretch-marks, and rage against hemorrhoids. Not to mentions back pain, headaches, and exhaustion, do mention,  bitch,…

Mother’s Day Love Letter

Today’s PPD to Joy Love Letter is the Mother’s Day edition. It contains my To-Do-List Therapy principles: How I keep my head above water. I hope you find it useful. If you are not already subscribed to get the monthly Love Letters It is also a good opportunity to practice Very-Good-Enough-ness:  the plan was for…

Category Archives: Self-Care

Vows for Jax, and Welcome, James

Oh, Joy! Jaime, another #ppdchat friend (she tweets as @jamesandjax) is visiting us today.  Jaime  about her journey through ppd and anxiety while balancing work and home. I’ve been writing and talking about my disarming anxiety process lately (, ), and Jaime and I twitted back and forth about it, and voila, now she is here. Got…

Of Course I am Anxious (part 2) + Wound-Licking Time Out

So, where were we?  we talked about how to get ourselves off the hook and begin to stop feeling guilty for being anxious. And about disarming anxiety rather than fighting it.  And how this is scary, and very empowering. It was sort of a what’s-in-it-for-you kind of post. This one here is more of a…

Of course I am anxious. How about you? (Part 1)

This post is about disarming anxiety with . About meeting yourself where you are, and not making your going be any tougher than it has to be. It’s about how to bring Ease to What Is when what is hurts. This post is dedicated to my #ppdchat friends: Jamie, (@jamesandjax on twitter, she blogs at…

Hope in an Envelope: Rach’s Rainy Day Letter

My lovely #PPDchat friend Rach ( on Twitter) was moved by this post on the . I challenged her to actually sid down and write herself one of those letters,  to have on hand when the next setback happened. Below is Rachana’s letter to herself in all its glory. I hope you will be inspired…

Simpicity Parenting

Have you heard of the book Simplicity Parenting? I love the book, and the concept has turned into a movement, with people all around the world consciously simplifying their environments and schedules, and the results are happier families. I went to a workshop with the author Kim John Payne a couple of weeks ago. I learned so…


In this safe space, I hope you feel comfortable talking and reading about the body’s betrayals This help me with my homework also boils down to the topic you chose. inconveniences. I invite you to whine about PMS, rant about stretch-marks, and rage against hemorrhoids. Not to mentions back pain, headaches, and exhaustion, do mention,  bitch,…

Mother’s Day Love Letter

Today’s PPD to Joy Love Letter is the Mother’s Day edition. It contains my To-Do-List Therapy principles: How I keep my head above water. I hope you find it useful. If you are not already subscribed to get the monthly Love Letters It is also a good opportunity to practice Very-Good-Enough-ness:  the plan was for…